Quick start

Getting started with NimbusImage right away

Starting with NimbusImage is easy!

Press tab anywhere in the interface to bring up a cheat sheet of commands and keyboard shortcuts.

Sign up

We strongly recommend you start by trying NimbusImage from an existing server like nimbusimage.org—no installation required! You can sign up at either website to request an account. Here's how you do it:

Sign in

Navigate to a NimbusImage server like nimbusimage.org. Use your login credentials from above as follows:

  1. In the "Girder domain" field, enter the domain associated with your account. This will probably be https://nimbusimage.org/girder.

  2. Enter your username and password. Note that this username and password is associated with the Girder domain above.

Drop in your data into the file drop zone

View your data

The image viewer should be pretty intuitive to navigate. Press tab to reveal some keyboard shortcuts and features.

Find some objects

Click + next to "Toolset" to bring up a menu. You can customize your own interface!

For instance, makee a blob tool and draw some blobs like this:

Analyze those objects

Click "Measure objects" to measure, for instance, "Blob metrics":

Make a Snapshot

Use Snapshots to take a visual bookmark of your data to capture and document that perfect picture for your paper or talk.

Use Snapshots to take a visual bookmark of your data to capture and document that perfect picture for your paper or talk.

Export your data for analysis

Last updated